Blog Maintained by Eniac Technology

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

What is Facebook Marketing?

What is Facebook Marketing?

Facebook isn’t new, and neither is that the concept every business needs a Facebook presence.

However, tons has changed since Facebook first entered the marketing scene. Today, the world’s largest social network can do things many folks would never have dreamed of 10 years ago: host 360-degree videos, sell products via a chatbot, or maybe function a top news source for two-thirds of the adult population.

Facebook has 1.56 billion daily active users. Let’s put that in perspective. That’s nearly 5X the population of the , 20% of the earth population … and still climbing. So imagine the social influence achievable through Facebook regarding your peer effects, e-commerce business, referrals, customer relationships, reputation, brand awareness, and much more (let alone, along side other social media platforms you market through). 

It’s not only the sheer number of people , but the number of our attention Facebook owns. Globally, the standard user spends almost an hour per day on Facebook. Considering the standard person sleeps eight, hours every day , meaning about 7% of our waking hours is spent with our eyes glued to the social network.

Facebook Pages are the gateway for businesses to plug to this grail of users. A Facebook Page could even be a public presence almost quite private profile but allows fans to “like” the business, brand, celebrity, cause, or organization.

Fans receive content updates from the Page on their News Feed, while the business is during a foothold to spice up brand awareness, deploy and track advertising, collect detailed audience insights, and chat with users who seek customer service. 

Below you’ll find everything you’d wish to understand becoming a master Facebook marketer. no matter if your business has had a Page for years or you’re just getting started, this comprehensive guide is for you

Facebook Marketing, the Inbound Way

Before we dive in, let’s get one thing out of the way. There are some ways to approach marketing on Facebook, but we’ll persist with the one we love most: inbound. An inbound strategy is about being helpful and relatable to your audience. It involves understanding the goals of your customer, and partnering with them to beat challenges. 

one of the only ways to undertake to the present is usually to be available where they already spend their time — meaning you’d wish to be present on Facebook. Facebook’s tools cater to the business that desires to form an authentic relationship with their audience. 

It allows marketers to form and distribute quality content that’s helpful for users. And it allows sales and customer services reps to connect with consumers interested by a brand.

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