Blog Maintained by Eniac Technology

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

How to install and set up Webmin on Ubuntu /linux


Webmin is a web-based control panel for your linux server which can be used to manage and operate your linux using web-based GUI. We personally use the interface to manage our storage server.
Webmin is more likely an interface designed for administrators who want to control server activities from within or outside the server over a network. In this tutorial will be setting up webmin on Ubuntu 18.04.
1. Installed Ubuntu 16.04 or higner
2. An active internet connection.
Updating Server
First thing first, we recommend updating your server everytime before installing any package to you linus OS. use the command below to update.
sudo apt update
Installing Webmin
  • Before you begin installing webmin it is required to installl apache on our server (Apache is platform used to run webmin and other browser based applications in Linux)
    sudo apt install apache2
  • Restarting apache
    sudo systemctl restart apache2
  • Downloading webmin: now we will need to download webmin by using the command below
  • Installing Webmin Dependencies: If it is a new server it might complain for missing dependencies which can be downloaded and installed using the command below
    apt-get install perl libnet-ssleay-perl openssl libauthen-pam-perl libpam-runtime libio-pty-perl apt-show-versions python
  • Installing Webmin: use dpkg command to install the downloaded file
    dpkg --install webmin_1.941_all.deb
Once completed it will give you an output similar to the output below
Webmin install complete.
You can now login to https://your_server_ip:10000
Go to your browser and type the output link and you are done setting up webmin.
Below is the link to a video for better understanding.
In our next post we will be learning some basics of webmin and on later posts diving deep to setup samba shares using webmin, Stay tuned.


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